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Etched Metal Plaque
Etched Metal Plaque

Etched Metal Plaque

Choose Quantity
# Size Wide x Tall x Thick Weight (lbs) Qty
GM-EBRL STANDARD (Contact us for Quote) 1.00
Size Price Qty

(Contact us for Quote)
Weight: 1.00

Choose Award Personalization

After placing your order, email us your artwork and/or personalized text. Please include your award reference number: D05671

Total: $0.00
Artwork Details
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Custom Etched Metal Plaques can be customized to size, color and layout.
Come in Brass, Bronze, Copper and Stainless Steel metals.
Be aware that etched metal plaques are not made for outdoor use and thus should be for inside or covered areas only.

Please contact us for your specific need and to get a quote.

Production time: Currently 8-10 weeks after approval of artwork.

Artwork Details
Artwork/Logos/Text can be sent to us in the following formats:

Formats we prefer Logos or full artwork in:
Corel Draw (CDR) version X8 or lower
Adobe Illustrator (AI) version CS5 or lower
Encapsulated Postscript (.EPS) Files

If sending in a logo as a separate attachment it can be sent in any of the following:
.EPS, .AI, .PDF (Preferred), .JPG, .PNG, .GIF
Please be aware that any logo that will be etched/engraved on Crystal or acrylic items must be a black/white vector or line art image.
We have the ability to convert non complex logos to black/white images for no additional cost.
However, any complicated logo that needs to be converted over from color to black/white can be converted for between a $20-$40 one-time fee.
Any Logos that will be sublimated onto a plate can be full color or done in greyscale and no conversion is necessary.

Any text for your order can be sent in any of the following formats:
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Notepad
If you send a logo inside one of these attachments as an example please be sure to also attach it separately as the quality is poor when having to take it from one of these programs.

If you aren't sure what you have will work, go ahead and attach what you have and if there are any issues we will contact you right away.
8-10 Weeks after payment and/or artwork approval. This does not include ground shipping time.
